Enjoy a homemade king’s feast of Jewish cuisine, accompanied by personal stories and engaging explanations of current dilemmas in Judaism and Zionism. Participants deepen their pride in the beauty and profundity of Judaism and strengthen their convictions as advocates for Israel.
“Over the past 30 years, I’ve had the thrilling privilege of hosting tens of thousands of guests in our family’s Jerusalem home, awakening them to the beauty of Jewish wisdom, as well as to the complexities of Israel’s geo-political reality. I love causing guests to reflect on the role of family, tradition and spirituality in their own lives. I appreciate every new question and never tire of the joy of meeting new people. Most of all, I love helping Israel, the Jewish people and Judaism get a new fan. Especially today.”

Featured in the Wall Street Journal, Smithsonian Magazine, Aish.com, and the Jerusalem Post. Please join me, Rabbi Joshua (AKA Chef Rabbi Josh) for an uplifting, intimate community experience to delight the body and soul.
Guests imbibe words of wisdom from our holy Torah. They feel instantly welcomed into an accepting and warm conversation while getting an eye-opening glimpse of something bigger than themselves: a special ancient way of life centered around tradition, meaning, and spirituality in modern Israel.
A Scrumptious and Spiritual Jewish Experience (available any night of the week) prepared and hosted for your church by Chef Rabbi Josh.:
Deluxe: Enjoy Chef Rabbi Josh's world-famous 5-star, 4-course kosher dinner
Premium: Taste your way through the Jewish holidays with Chef Rabbi Josh's heavenly 3-course Jewish tasters menu
An Eye-Opening and Entertaining Talk on Judaism and/or Israel: A 45-90 minute talk including a guided no-holds-barred Q and A with Chef Rabbi Josh.

Past guests have included Pulitzer-Prize winning author Geraldine Brooks, Canadian Minister of Justice Jody Wilson-Raybould, NFL MVP Brian Sipe, Harvard Law School and the Wall-Street-Journal Editorial Board. Our guarantee: every person who joins a meal with Chef Rabbi Josh as a guest leaves as a friend (as well as well-sated, both physically and spiritually:)
I look forward to hosting you!

For more information or to reserve a meal please Email chefrabbijosh@gmail.com
Or contact us by phone or whatsapp at +972-52-566-5728